Regular Meeting – November 6, 2012


           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Larry Helsley at 1600 hours.  Members present: George Owen, Mike Williams, and Dee Potter.  Member absent: Bill Britton.  Others present: Chief Alvord, Legal Counsel David Hammer, Sleeper Ernie Curran, Sheila Brewer and District Clerk Marjie Watkins.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.     Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting October 2, 2012

B.      Approve Warrant List, Budget Transfer, and Journal Entries MSC: Williams/Potter to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.


       III.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.    Present/Discuss - board policy manual – Chief Alvord reported he has gone through the current policy manual and has identified policies that need to be worked on.  Chief Alvord asked if they want the policy changes accepted all at once, or would they like a committee to review them and present their changes.  The policy format was discussed.  The board would like to see the changes made to each policy.  Chief Alvord will work on the changes and bring back suggestions.

B.   Discuss/Approve - funding for hydrant on Lower Mill Street, fiscal impact of $1500 – Chief Alvord reported he has been working with Wes Scribner from the Water District (a map of the project was passed out).  The original estimate for the project was $3,858; a $750 valve was removed from the project and the cost will be split between the Fire and Water Districts making our cost approximately $1561.41.  We will also be using volunteers to off set the cost of labor.  Chief Alvord reported that both property owners on Lower Mill Street that will be affected by moving the hydrant have agreed to the work.  MSC: Owen/Potter to provide 50% of the funding to move the hydrant on Lower Mill Street in the amount of $1561.41.

C   Discuss/Approve – medical insurance increase of 9.28%, fiscal impact of $1,800 - Chief Alvord reported the medical insurance will increase by 9.28% which is $149 per month for all medical insurance.  Chief Alvord recommended to the board to pay the increase in his insurance and cover the Clerks increase in insurance.  It was discussed that the changes will not take effect until January 1, 2013 and will only affect the budget in the amount of $894 for this fiscal year.  The board thanked Chief Alvord for his recommendation, but feels the board should cover the cost increase for all medical coverage.  MSC: Potter/Williams approve the increased cost of medical coverage in the amount required and budget transfer from reserves to cover this cost.  Roll call vote: Ayes: Helsley, Williams, Owen, and Potter.  Noes: 0 Absent: Britton.





            A.  Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Chief Alvord reported the program is gearing up for burning piles at the end of Taylor Street.  There is a little less than $12,000 left on the grant, and Firestorm will not be needed until after January when the next round of Title III funding is available.  Pat Frost will be meeting with Wendy Tyler and Rachel Allen to discuss future funding for the grant.  There was discussion on where the Title III funding will be spent on the County level. 

            Legal Counsel Mr. Hammer reported that a complaint has been filed against them to County by Patricia McColm for denying her request to have hazard reduction work done; Mr. Hammer reported that there is nothing for the Board to do at his stage in the complaint process.  County Legal Council advised Patricia McColm that their role is merely a funding agency and if she believes she has suffered discrimination, she would need to file with the federal agency responsible, and that information was provided to her in a letter.

            Chief Alvord reported that he received an e-mail complaint that he was unable to open from the Better Business Bureau, he sent an e-mail back requesting the form in a word document and has not received a response.

            B.   Fire Chief/Marshal Report: Chief Alvord reported on the Mortuary fire inspection, they are due for their re-inspection.  The first mobile home sprinkler inspection, on Granite Peak is scheduled for this week.  TCRCD new map book will hopefully be ready by the next meeting.  There are 6 hydrants left to paint, and the new one at Trinity Lumber has been installed.  All narrow banding has been completed; there has been no difference in radio coverage or pagers.  There was discussion on the State contract WT-32 regarding local agreement response.  WT-32 is to be used as a back up to our water tender (which we do not have) and is not to be paid for on local agreement responses, for the first 12 hours of response.  The amount of money the District was out in fuel for local agreement responses was discussed along with our responsibility for paying any repairs that may become needed in local agreement responses.  It was discussed that this does not affect the responses within our district, we will still be responding to local agreement, just not in WT-32.  There was discussion on combining our annual bills for WT-32 and submitting them for reimbursement once a year.  The engines that we were watching on auction both went for $80,000 each.  Today was the fist day of burn training through the Hayfork Water Shed Center, Firefighter Curran reported the “Big Creek Burn” was a 19 acre grass fire, and was a great training experience.

            C   Sleeper Report – None

            D. Committee Reports:

                  1.         Recruitment Committee: None

                  2          Collections Committee: Clerk Watkins reported we will be moving                          forward on the claim that was awarded to us in small claims court, and                   we are sending one claim a collection letter.

                  3.         Contract Committee: None

                  4.         Tuition Committee: None

                  5.         Budget Committee: Chairman Helsley requested to schedule a mid                         budget review for January.


            E    Directors Report – Mr. Owen thanked Chief Alvord for all of his work on       looking into the engine being auctioned.  Chairman Helsley thanked Sheila       Brewer for her time and commitment during her time working for the District.


V               PUBLIC COMMENT:  None


VI              Correspondence- Chief Alvord reported he was approached by a previous member of the Board about placing a sign for the Blue Barn at our Training grounds on Hwy 3; he was encouraged to attend a board meeting.


VII             Adjournment: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1756 hours.




__________________________                                    __________________________

   Larry Helsley, Chairman                                               Marjie Watkins, District Clerk